Monday, January 27, 2020

Influence of Stigma in Healthcare

Influence of Stigma in Healthcare Step 1: Discuss the ways stigma can influence healthcare delivery for marginalised people and groups in Australian society. People from the following groups may be stigmatised. Explore this question from one of the following marginalised groups: refugees, indigenous Australians, mentally ill or homeless people, older adults or the disabled. Step 2: My definition of stigma is when someone is discriminated against and stereotyped by their mental health illness causing them to be treated unequal to others. I have made many observations in relation to stigma and mental healthcare delivery while working as an assistant nurse in a mental health hospital. In my experience, I observed staff stigmatise and discriminate against certain mentally ill patients due to the staff’s values and expectations of mental health illnesses. This caused a lower standard of care as the staff neglected certain patients if they believed mental health was not a valid health issue. When related to the sociological imagination template (Germov, 2014, p. 7, 8) this issue relates to the historical factor as in the past mental health was not valued as highly as biomedicine and there was a higher rate of stigma in mental health. It also relates to the cultural factor as the cultural values of the staff I observed impacted on the delivery of healthcare. In addition to my observations in the workplace, I also experienced stigma first hand during my adolescent years as I experienced depression. I found I was less likely to seek help and healthcare when others within my society such as peers had a lack of understanding or had specific cultural and historical views that caused them to stigmatise me. This impacted on the delivery of healthcare as health professionals were unable to help me unless I presented to them with my issues, causing a lack of healthcare in this situation. The stigma I received from my peers was due to the way the education system is structured as it doesn’t include education about mental health from an early age. It is my experience with depression followed by my observations of stigma that has helped me understand that stigma is such a universal concept affecting many people and their healthcare. Germov (2014, pg. 3) explains health sociology is based on the concept that health issues come about from the social world. Germov also explains (2014, pg. 3) the treatment and causes for health problems are within the social context of the individual. Therefore, if stigma and discrimination are within society, it can not only cause mental health issues, through self-stigmatizing, but also prevent them from improving, by causing individuals to not seek healthcare. Now that I have an understanding of Willis’ sociological imagination template (Germov, 2014, p. 7, 8), I am able to reflect on my experiences with a deeper understanding of the implications stigma has on the delivery of healthcare and the ability of a mentally ill person to seek help. Step 3: Cockerham Cockerham’s (2010, pg. 24-41) reading has deepened my initial observations of how stigma impacted on my own experience of mental illness as they explain the impact globalisation has on the structure of the healthcare system and advancement in medicine, and also the cultural values and expectations of mental illness. The article (Cockerham et al. 2010, pg. 24-41) explains globalisation and the advancement of western medicine is a means to scientifically understand the body in order to improve diagnosis and treatment options. This has had an effect on all aspects of healthcare; however Cockerham et al. (2010) explain the historical neglect of mental health research, due to supernatural and religious beliefs of the past and the view that the study of the mind was the role of the church. This reading has allowed me to understand the development of the structure of mental healthcare as historically mental health was seen as mysterious and religious (Cockerham et al., 2010, pg. 24-41). The article explains that the study of the mind was eventually thought of as medical science, but due to the past perceptions, medical science in physical health was valued higher than mental health knowledge (Cockerham et al., 2010, pg. 24-41). This perception is found within Australian society as Germov (2012, pg. 165) states biomedicine is an important model of health and illness. This may have caused the cultural values of the staff I observed in my workplace, causing them to put biomedicine above mental healthcare, often devaluing the need for mental health care. The high value for biomedicine and the high value for medical science of physical health before mental health has allowed me to understand the historical cause of stigma. I have since realized I was a victim of stigma durin g my adolescent years which affected my ability to seek healthcare. Healthcare needs to develop further to treat the mentally ill with the respect and dignity they deserve. Step 4: By reflecting on my experiences within mental health it is clear stigma influences healthcare delivery in two main ways 1) through the values and expectations of healthcare professionals and 2) whether or not individuals seek healthcare treatment due to stigma impacting on their perception of their mental health issue. As stated in step 2, health sociology is based on the concept that health problems are created from the social world of the individual, and both the treatment and cause of health issues can be identified in the individual’s social context (Germov, 2014, pg. 3). This topic is very broad, so I will base my reflection on the three main factors from the sociological imagination template (Germov, 2012, pg. 7-8) that present the link between a person and their society/environment i.e. the cultural values and opinions of Australian society and the way the education system is structured and how it can be improved from a critical standpoint. These factors link closely an d impede heavily on the delivery of healthcare in Australia. Such implications include a lower standard of healthcare due to the values of healthcare professionals, and the inability to live up to societys’ expectations causing self-stigmatizing attitudes, leading to a lower chance of the individual seeking out healthcare. There is the inability or decision not to seek help early due to a lack of knowledge given from the education system; however the healthcare system has advanced to create positive outcomes for someone with mental problems within Australian society. It is important to remember that cultural values and structural systems do not just affect the individual, but the society as a whole. The cultural perception of being responsible for our healthcare (Germov, 2014, pg. 8) within Australia has profound implications for people with mental illness as they are often unable to take responsibility of their healthcare. Their inability take charge clashes with views of society and in turn stigma develops. Angel and Thoits (1987) explain that culture mandates the behaviors, response and help-seeking attitudes of individuals’ to their illness, and Chacon (2009) states cultural factors play a large role in help-seeking. Hence the value of being responsible for our healthcare juxtaposed with the failure of the individual to do so, causes the mentally ill person to steer away from seeking treatment, as they are made to believe they have failed their society. Weiss (2010) has given me insight into this value from the doctor’s point of view and that is doctors cannot help us if we won’t help ourselves. This is true to some extent, however in the case of someone with a debilitating mental illness, they are often unable to help themselves. During my experience, I also felt as though I could not help myself as my illness caused a lack of self-confidence and respect to help myself. This ultimately causes a lack of healthcare and a failure of the healthcare system to deliver care due to the values and expectations of society and healthcare professionals. Cappelen Norheim (2005) have given me insight into another viewpoint of being responsible for our own health. It is explained that lifestyle choices have a huge impact on our health and hence why some believe putting responsibility on the individual is fair (Cappelen Norheim, 2005). However, if a person has chosen to take illegal substances for example, that have ultimately caused a mental illness, who should decide whether or not they are discriminated against for doing so? And should the extent to which a disease is a result of individual choices be allowed to affect the degree to which it is given priority? This brings up the cultural values of the health professionals that I observed who had a high value for biomedicine and little understanding of how their views were being imposed on their patients, causing discrimination against them. From a critical perspective (Germov, 2013, pg. 7), healthcare delivery can be improved through the structure of the education system. If more education about mental health is provided within the curriculum for young students, stigma among the mentally ill will be reduced due to a greater understanding and acceptance of mental illness among the younger generation. Programs such as headspace, as well as mental health resources, guidelines, and support will help improve the mental health and wellbeing of individuals (State Government Victoria, 2014). This is turn will improve healthcare delivery as the mentally ill will feel less like they have failed their society and more likely to seek treatment. Looking back on my experience, the delivery of healthcare is strongly impacted by the values, expectations and stigma of Australian society towards mental illness. By improving education in Australia we may be able to reduce stigma providing better healthcare outcomes to patients. Step 5: By answering this eModule question, I have developed the graduate attribute of demonstrating respect for the dignity of each individual and for human diversity. I have expanded my knowledge on the impact of stigma on both myself and the individuals within my care, giving me a better respect for the dignity of the individual. Germov (2014) has given me a deeper knowledge that individual problems can be faced by the majority of society at one point or another, giving me the understanding that others, like me, often feel a sense of devalued dignity due to the values and expectations of society as a whole. I have a wider knowledge of the impact my experience had on myself as an adolescent, and would not allow others to feel the same way or experience the same issues. This has allowed me to better care for others keeping in mind the impact of stigma on healthcare delivery, ultimately giving me the skills to become a better nurse. References Angel, T., Thoits, P. (1987). The impact of culture on the cognitive structure of illness. Culture, Medicine and psychiatry, 11(4), 465-494. Doi: 10.1007/BF00048494 Cappelen, A.W., Norheim, O.F. (2004). Responsibility in healthcare: a liberal egalitarian approach. Journal Med Ethics, 31, 476-480. doi:10.1136/jme.2004.010421 Chacon, C. (2009). Depression: the tole of cultural factors and perception of treatment. Retrieved from Cockerham, G.B., Cockerham, W.C. (2010). Globalization: Health benefits and risks. In Health and globalization (pp. 24-41). Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. Germov, J. (2014). Ethnicity, health, and multiculturalism. In J. Germov, Second opinion: An introduction to health sociology (5th ed.). (pp. 163-183). South Melbourne, Vic: Oxford University Press. State Government Victoria. (2014). Student mental health and suicide response/planning. Retrieved from Weiss, P.J. (2010). Take responsibility for your own health. Retrieved from

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Court History and Purpose Paper Essay

The Superior Court of Los Angeles County is the largest single unified court in the United States. This court serves over 40 courthouses and operates about 600 courtrooms and staffs approximately 5,400 employees. The Municipal court is devoted to resolving and recording legal matters while upholding values of Integrity, Accessibility, and fairness. Growing up in Los Angeles has always fascinated me with how the court system processes so many criminals in the amount of time they have, with the amount of employees they staff. How do they do it (Hansen, 1998)? The traffic court handles cases that start off with citations or tickets written by a law enforcement officer. Parking tickets are not process at traffic division courts, only by local city or Los Angeles Parking Violations Bureau. Driving Under the Influence (DUI) cases are handled in criminal court division. When cases the State has filed against one or more persons involved in criminal offenses such as, infractions, felonies, and misdemeanors the criminal court handles these cases. Criminal division also handles warrants, fugitive warrants and extradition proceedings, and grand jury indictments. The policy makers of the U.S. Constitution requested that the federal government have limited power, to regulate the kind of cases federal courts would have. Most of the laws that are passed are decided by usually the state which allows the state court to handle most disputes that govern our lives on day to day bases. The federal courts defend our freedom of speech and our equal protection under the law. Federalism is the significant idea of a government dividing the power amongst a national government and a state or regional government. State courts primarily handle all cases that the federal court will not take. When federal courts portray federal laws, state court interprets a state law which is called â€Å"General Jurisdiction†. The federal court system only hears  special cases under certain circumstances. Basically, the federal court hear two types of cases; those that raise a â€Å"federal question† and those that involving â€Å"diversity of citizenship† (Gray, Ritter & Graham, 2012). A common law legal system is a system of law identified by case law which is developed by judges through decisions of courts and similar tribunals. Common law systems also include images enacted by legislative frame. In comparison to common law systems, civil law systems are created on a set of legal codes, which are organized laws that pursue to cover exhaustively the various legal domains. It is characterized by an absence of precedent in the judicial application of these codes. Common law courts have had the authority to make law where no legislative statute exists, and statutes mean what courts interpret them to mean. By contrast, in the civil law jurisdictions the legal tradition that prevails or is combined with common law is statured. The criminal justice system is made up of sets of agencies and processes that are established by governments to control crime and impose penalties on those who violate the law. The criminal justice system operates differently depending on the jurisdiction it is in charge of, whether it be city, county, state, federal or tribal government or military installation. Different jurisdictions have various laws, agencies, and ways of managing the criminal justice process. The justice system is the mechanism that upholds the rule of the law. The courts provide a forum to resolve disputes and to test and enforce laws in a fair and rational manner. The courts are an impartial forum, and judges are free to apply the law without regard to the government’s wishes or the weight of the public’s opinion. Court decisions are based on what the law says and what the evidence proves. There is no place in the courts for suspicion, bias or favoritism. This is why justice is often symbolized as a blindfolded figure balancing a set of scales, oblivious to anything that could detract from the pursuit of an outcome that is just and fair. Though a number of rights derived from the Constitution protect the accused from abuses and overreaching from law enforcement officers, the arguably most important of these rights are the Miranda advisement and the Fourth Amendment prohibition against unreasonable searches and seizures. References

Saturday, January 11, 2020

How Effectively an Organization Meets the Wants

Competitiveness How effectively an organization meets the wants and needs of customers relative to others that offer similar goods or services Business compete using MARKETING 1. Identifying consumer wants and/or needs is a basic input in an organization’s decision making process, and central to competitiveness. The idea is to achieve a perfect match between those wants and needs and the organization’s goods and/or services. 2. Price and quality are key factors in consumer buying decisions. It is important to understand the trade-off decision consumers make between price and quality. 3.Advertising and promotion are ways organizations can inform potential customers about features of their products or services, and attract buyers. Business compete using OPERATION 1. Product and service design should reflect joint efforts of many areas of the firm to achieve a match between financial resources, operations capabilities, supply chain capabilities,and consumer wants and needs . Special characteristics or features of a product or service can be a key factor in consumer buying decisions. Other key factors include innovation and the time-to-market for new products and services. 2.Cost of an organization’s output is a key variable that affects pricing decisions and profits. Cost-reduction efforts are generally ongoing in business organizations. Productivity(discussed later in the chapter) is an important determinant of cost. Organizations with higher productivity rates than their competitors have a competitive cost advantage. A company may outsource a portion of its operation to achieve lower costs, higher productivity, or better quality. 3. Location can be important in terms of cost and convenience for customers. Location near inputs can result in lower input costs.Location near markets can result in lower transportation costs and quicker delivery times. Convenient location is particularly important in the retail sector. 4. Quality refers to material s, workmanship, design, and service. Consumers judge quality in terms of how well they think a product or service will satisfy its intended purpose. Customers are generally willing to pay more for a product or service if they perceive the product or service has a higher quality than that of a competitor. 5. Quick response can be a competitive advantage. One way is quickly bringing new or improved products or services to the market.Another is being able to quickly deliver existing products and services to a customer after they are ordered, and still another is quickly handling customer complaints. 6. Flexibility is the ability to respond to changes. Changes might relate to alterations in design features of a product or service, or to the volume demanded by customers, or the mix of products or services offered by an organization. High flexibility can be a competitive advantage in a changeable environment. 7. Inventory management can be a competitive advantage by effectively matching s upplies of goods with demand. . Supply chain management involves coordinating internal and external operations (buyers and suppliers) to achieve timely and cost-effective delivery of goods throughout the system. 9. Service might involve after-sale activities customers perceive as value-added, such as delivery, setup, warranty work, and technical support. Or it might involve extra attention while work is in progress, such as courtesy, keeping the customer informed, and attention to details. Service quality can be a key differentiator; and it is one that is often sustainable.Moreover, businesses rated highly by their customers for service quality tend to be more profitable, and grow faster, than businesses that are not rated highly. 10. Managers and workers are the people at the heart and soul of an organization, and if they are competent and motivated, they can provide a distinct competitive edge by their skills and the ideas they create. One often overlooked skill is answering the t elephone. How complaint calls or requests for information are handled can be a positive or a negative. If a person answering is rude or not helpful, that can produce a negative image.Conversely, if calls are handled promptly and cheerfully, that can produce a positive image and, potentially, a competitive advantage. Key EXTERNAL factor 1. Economic conditions. These include the general health and direction of the economy, inflation and deflation, interest rates, tax laws, and tariffs. 2. Political conditions. These include favorable or unfavorable attitudes toward business, political stability or instability, and wars. 3. Legal environment. This includes antitrust laws, government regulations, trade restrictions, minimum wage laws, product liability laws and recent court experience, labor laws, and patents. . Technology. This can include the rate at which product innovations are occurring, current and future process technology (equipment, materials handling), and design technology. 5 . Competition. This includes the number and strength of competitors, the basis of competition (price, quality, special features), and the ease of market entry. 6. Markets. This includes size, location, brand loyalties, ease of entry, potential for growth, long-term stability, and demographics. Key INTERNAL factors 1. Human resources. These include the skills and abilities of managers and orkers; special talents (creativity, designing, problem solving); loyalty to the organization; expertise; dedication; and experience. 2. Facilities and equipment. Capacities, location, age, and cost to maintain or replace can have a significant impact on operations. 3. Financial resources. Cash flow, access to additional funding, existing debt burden, and cost of capital are important considerations. 4. Customers. Loyalty, existing relationships, and understanding of wants and needs are important. 5. Products and services. These include existing products and services, and the potential for new produ cts and services. . Technology. This includes existing technology, the ability to integrate new technology, and the probable impact of technology on current and future operations. 7. Suppliers. Supplier relationships, dependability of suppliers, quality, flexibility, and service are typical considerations. 8. Other. Other factors include patents, labor relations, company or product image, distribution channels, relationships with distributors, maintenance of facilities and equipment, access to resources, and access to markets. PRODUCTIVITY MEASURE Productivity measures are useful on a number of levels.For an individual department or organization, productivity measures can be used to track performance over time. * This allows managers to judge performance and to decide where improvements are needed. * For example, if productivity has slipped in a certain area, operations staff can examine the factors used to compute productivity to determine what has changed and then devise a means o f improving productivity in subsequent periods. Productivity measures also can be used to judge the performance of an entire industry or the productivity of a country as a whole.These productivity measures are aggregate measures. In essence, productivity measurements serve as scorecards of the effective use of resources. Business leaders are concerned with productivity as it relates to competitiveness: If two firms both have the same level of output but one requires less input because of higher productivity, that one will be able to charge a lower price and consequently increase its share of the market. Or that firm might elect to charge the same price, thereby reaping a greater profit.Government leaders are concerned with national productivity because of the close relationship between productivity and a nation’s standard of living. High levels of productivity are largely responsible for the relatively high standards of living enjoyed by people in industrial nations. Furtherm ore, wage and price increases not accompanied by productivity increases tend to create inflationary pressures on a nation’s economy. Improving Productivity A company or a department can take a number of key steps toward improving productivity: 1.Develop productivity measures for all operations. Measurement is the first step in managing and controlling an operation. 2. Look at the system as a whole in deciding which operations are most critical. It is overall productivity that is important. Managers need to reflect on the value of potential productivity improvements before Okaying improvement efforts. The issue is effectiveness. There are several aspects of this. * One is to make sure the result will be something customers want. * For example, if a company is able to increase its output through roductivity improvements, but then is unable to sell the increased output, the increase in productivity isn’t effective. * Second, it is important to adopt a systems viewpoint: A productivity increase in one part of an operation that doesn’t increase the productivity of the system would not be effective. * For example, suppose a system consists of a sequence of two operations, where the output of the first operation is the input to the second operation, and each operation can complete its part of the process at a rate of 20 units per hour.If the productivity of the first operation is increased, but the productivity of the second operation is not, the output of the system will still be 20 units per hour. 3. Develop methods for achieving productivity improvements, such as soliciting ideas from workers (perhaps organizing teams of workers, engineers, and managers), studying how other firms have increased productivity, and reexamining the way work is done. 4. Establish reasonable goals for improvement. 5. Make it clear that management supports and encourages productivity improvement. Consider incentives to reward workers for contributions. . Measure impr ovements and publicize them. Other factors that affect productivity include the following: * Standardizing processes and procedures wherever possible to reduce variability can have a significant benefit for both productivity and quality. * Quality differences may distort productivity measurements. One way this can happen is when comparisons are made over time, such as comparing the productivity of a factory now with one 30 years ago. Quality is now much higher than it was then, but there is no simple way to incorporate quality improvements into productivity measurements. Use of the Internet can lower costs of a wide range of transactions, thereby increasing, productivity. It is likely that this effect will continue to increase productivity in the foreseeable future. * Computer viruses can have an immense negative impact on productivity. * Searching for lost or misplaced items wastes time, hence negatively affecting productivity. * Scrap rates have an adverse effect on productivity, signaling inefficient use of resources. * New workers tend to have lower productivity than seasoned workers. Thus, growing companies may experience a productivity lag. Safety should be addressed. Accidents can take a toll on productivity. * A shortage of information technology workers and other technical workers hampers the ability of companies to update computing resources, generate and sustain growth, and take advantage of new opportunities. * Layoffs often affect productivity. The effect can be positive and negative. Initially, productivity may increase after a layoff, because the workload remains the same but fewer workers do the work—although they have to work harder and longer to do it.However, as time goes by, the remaining workers may experience an increased risk of burnout, and they may fear additional job cuts. The most capable workers may decide to leave. * Labor turnover has a negative effect on productivity; replacements need time to get up to speed. * Design of the workspace can impact productivity. For example, having tools and other work items within easy reach can positively impact productivity. * Incentive plans that reward productivity increases can boost productivity.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Effects Of Depression On College Students - 1335 Words

Depression is a commonly known mental illness that is founded not only in adults but, is founded more in College students. The 2012 from the Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors indicated that 95% of counseling center directors believe that psychological problems are a growing concern and that depression is one of the most prevalent concerns with 36% of college students affected (Jennifer E. Merrill, 2014). Depression in college tends to lead to alcohol abuse because they are experiencing extreme depression. When college students have depression it affects their ability to perform in academics. Gender plays a big role in depression and it determines which gender consumes alcohol more In this study Gender and Depression Moderate Response to Brief Motivational Intervention for Alcohol Misuse among College Students they tested intervention conditions, gender, and depression. 80% of college students experience depression or poor mental health consume alcoho l, and many report heavy episodic drinking (Jennifer E. Merrill, 2014). Depression is founded in college students the most because they are stressing about their academics so they tend to fall into depression which lead them to consuming alcohol. Women in this study shows that they are reduced to harmful drinking without intervention while depressed men are at risk for worse drinking outcomes where overtime don’t go to intervention. 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